Sunday, March 8, 2009

The week is over...

So, the book fair, even just three days was very successful. Unknowingly, I had two PTA moms and their daughters (Thanks!) show up to help me set up and it took much less time. I was able to make some changes from the fall set up that I really liked a lot better. We celebrated our school's literacy night on Monday and I have never seen so many people in the library.
Also, the UELMA conference was fantastic. A lot of great ideas were given and a lot of free stuff! I really love getting free stuff. One session I went to was an author from Idaho who has written several books, many of them which correlate with the math core. I can't wait to use them with my(yes, my, at least for 40 minutes a week) kindergarten and first graders. Another session was all about different ways to use the web, and I was thrilled to see several sites that I was familiar with because of my library courses. Another fun one offered different ways to share stories with props/puppets. I was really impressed with the simplicity of the ideas suggested. I have already got a lesson plan ready, using props, for my kindergarten students. I'm excited because I always thought of myself as someone with an inability for using that kind of thing, I felt a little silly. Now I can't wait.