Saturday, January 31, 2009

Comfortable Yet?

Finally, last week, I walked into the library and it didn't feel quite so alien to me. I have a list, a small list, of librarian tasks that I know how to do. That in itself feels very good. I have learned most of the student's names, and that feels really good. I still have many things to learn, every day something new occurs or I look at my multiple lists of "things to do" and I have a moment of panic, but I also have some accomplishments under my belt. I survived re-barcoding the library, I had a successful book fair and I feel like students enjoy coming into the library. As with any teacher it's so much easier to see what more you can be doing. A day at a time.


Counterintuitive said...

So, I'm hurt--you didn't tell me about your blog. I will forgive you AFTER you have made 5 comments on my blog and not a second earlier.

I love your first line, imagining you walking in, looking around and think, "Hey, this ain't too bad." I'm glad it's coming along; I knew it would and I'm sure you will be glad that you did it later on.

Happy superbowl.

Kan said...

It's hard to tell a "superblogger" about your novice blogspot that you're still trying to figure out. Keep posting, now I've learned one more thing, how to publish incoming posts.